21 July 2024
Convert MBR to GPT under Linux

Convert MBR to GPT under Linux

21 July, 2024

linux icon 19With the bigger disks that are no longer supported by MBR there's a constant need to convert to GPT.

We have done this using a live disk, however, it is always important to create system backups. The disk was 6TB, with 2 smaller live partitions. Without converting to GPT we could not take advantage of the entire disk capacity. Assuming that the disk is /dev/sdb (the first 2 partitions are /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2). Below instructions are not for a bootable disk, rather a secondary partition.

 gdisk /dev/sdb

Running the above command will automatically prompt you to convert, so you should just press w to save.

Reload the partition:

partprobe /dev/sdb

and you should be done.

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